U10 and U12 Weekend Update: 2/15 + 2/16

Dear U12 and U10 Families,

Hope you are well! Last weekend was chock full of fun and excitement!  The U10s had an awesome race on Saturday at Quechee and just nearly missed bringing home the Helmet again (by only 3 points!).  Results are linked HERE.  Then we had an AMAZING powder day on Sunday.  I was SO impressed with how well our athletes skied in the powder, which can be tricky for East Coast kids who are more accustomed to ice :)!

IMPORTANT Schedule Note:  The U10 race schedule was finally finalized and Okemo is going to host the U10 Panel SL on SUNDAY March 2 (reg link below!). 

This weekend:

2/15: U12s and U10s train GS

2/16: U12s train tall gate SL (full armor); U10s train GS – or another powder day if the forecast materializes….I’ll send an update if we switch to powder skiing.

Looking ahead:

2/22: U12s train tall gate SL (full armor); U10s train Panel SL (no armor needed)

2/23: U12s race tall gate SL at Pico (registration link HERE; reg closes 2/21 at 9 am); U10s train Panel SL (no armor needed)

3/1: U12s train GS; U10s train panel SL

3/2: U12s race GS at Middlebury reg link HERE. (opens 2/16, closes Friday 2/28 at 11:59 pm); U10s race Panel SL at Okemo – reg link HERE (reg opens 2/15; closes Friday 2/28 at 1 pm)

3/8: U12s race Meisterschaft tall pole SL at Willard – reg link HERE (closes 3/6 at 12 pm) OR freeski GS at Okemo; U10s train GS (Nastar)

3/9: U12s race Meisterschaft GS at Magic Mtn – reg link HERE (closes 3/6 at 6 pm) OR freeski SL at Okemo; U10s race GS at Pico (reg link HERE – opens 2/18 and close 3/8 at 9 am)

***The Meisterschaft race series is a fun, two day series in Southern VT.  We encourage all U12s to consider this since we are limited on training space at home due to hosting the U14 States. However, we will offer programming at home for any 12s who don’t want to race.***

3/15: U12 BOYS race one run SL/one run GS at Pico – reg link HERE (opens for 2013 YOB athletes 3/1 at 9am and for all U12s 3/2 at 9 am – this will fill quickly!!!  Put it in your calendar to register!) OR U12 SL Training; U10s stubby and intro to tall pole SL

3/16: U12 GIRLS race one run SL/one run GS at Okemo – reg link HERE (opens for 2013 YOB athletes 3/2 at 9 am and for all U12s 3/3 at 9 am – this will fill quickly!!!  Put it in your calendar to register!) OR U12 freeski SL; U10 freeski SL

The program ends on 3/30 – info regarding training and race opportunities 3/22+23 and 3/29+30 to come, but just wanted to make sure everyone knows the program is on through 3/30.

COMEDY NIGHT Sponsored by William Raveis Vermont Properties is Saturday 3/1 at 7 pm at Okemo’s Clock Tower Base Lodge.  This event supports OMARA’s fund for coaches education – please attend this super fun evening and support coaches’ education!!  Purchase tickets HERE.  

SALE on Sync Uniform Orders: Okemo Comp Center/OMS uniforms are in no way required of our athletes, but if you are interested in purchasing a jacket and/or full side zip pants for your athlete, or other logo-ed gear, you can do so at this LINK.  AND THEY ARE CURRENTLY OFFERING up to 50% OFF through 2/23 – plus 35% off GS suits if ordered through our custom store (they are not customized though)!!  Just add any item from our store to your cart and the discount is automatically applied!  Stock up for next year!

Let me know if you have any questions and think snow!



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