HELLOOOO DEVOS !!! ❄️ 🎿 ⛷️ ❄️ 3/1 Training

* Weekend Past  

As coaches, we garner pleasure from simple items: an athlete mastering a long-practiced skill, displays of sportsmanship and good citizenry, ‘Aha moments’ when kids put it all together, and of course, signs that skiing together has indeed fostered some new friendships.  

When the first cow-clad Devo arrived on Saturday morning I was a little perplexed. However, once the full herd assembled, my heart was undoubtedly warmed, and a big smile came across our faces, knowing that the new friend group collaborated over the past week to bring their plan together.  (I was told that others from the herd were missing – but would potentially make an appearance in the weeks ahead.)

Here’s the band of bovine — with horns (actually ski poles) up

And we again spotted the spotted cows — now grazing at JG, with our rancher-in-residence, ET (who does have animals at his own farm)

Smiles from a few of Nima’s and Goran’s gang

Working on upper-lower body separation, countering, angulation, and feeling the hip-pinch 

Rocks, ice, and gnarly short drops?  No problem! 

Our group put mastery of short radius turns and edge control to great use

Body-double / stunt-person?  (Not exactly, they both nailed it)  

Marveling at having easily tackled Big Bang

* That Homework thing …

Sure, it was vacation week for many – and homework was out of mind.  However, the assignment for all Devos that I mentioned in last week’s email?  Hmmm.  Please, look back at last week’s note and give them a reminder …. as those who didn’t participate last weekend will be called front and center on Saturday to lead. 

Last Saturday, those athletes who dutifully completed the assignment discussed getting-forward / athletic stance, increasing edge angle, timing of pole plants, etc.  We even managed to bring in imagery of Jingles and Dash – our twin’s two Australian cattle dogs.

We are looking forward to hearing more creative ideas from others this weekend. (Hint, hint.) 

* Weekly Attendance – Response Requested

The attendance forms are important. Thanks to those of you who are diligently completing the brief Weekly Attendance Form … the info is important for planning purposes.

Please complete this week’s survey via the link shown below.  Please submit the info before Friday at 5 pm.  


* Year-End

Please be on the watch for an email from one of our team parents regarding plans for our end-of-season get together.  Some help might be needed with logistics – and I’ve passed along names of those of you who previously offered up assistance. We are opting for a pizza party at Off the Rails. Again, please keep an eye out for further details.

In many regards, the season feels as if it just started – and is now abruptly coming to an end. We have three sessions remaining, as our last day will be Saturday March 16th.  A tinge of disappointment, yes, but we are also marveling at the progress that each Devo made personally – and how they bonded together as a team. 

On to the top of the A/B (meet at 8.20 am for 8.30 am liftoff) !  

Bill, ET, Nima, Brian, Goran, and Garrett   ❄️  


Bill Hauser

Climate. Cyber. Democracy.


[email protected]

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