* It snowed…. and then …. well, you know, it is New England

(No, not a Devo)
Congrats to those who braved the day last Saturday, from what I am told those who survived were rewarded with very good snow conditions. (Kudos to Nima, Goran, Garrett and Brian for shepherding the ‘dwindling’ crew for as long as they were willing to stay out … ET was out, and I was off-mountain, staying dry in something other than a ski gear.)
* For this weekend
It’s January, it will be cold. Average daily lows and highs for this area register 10F and 30F degrees respectively, in January.

The current forecast is calling for Saturday’s high temperature to be at/near single digits — and with wind and humidity, the real-feel will be nearer -5 degrees. (That’s balmy relative to a Saturday last year registering near 50 below with wind chill – one uncommon instance when we did not go out.) In any case, colder temps do require added precautions.
Notably, exposed skin is as at risk — and even toes, fingers and faces that are covered could be subject to frostbite for some individuals. In other words, do not consider sending your Devo out unless fully equipped for bitter and changing conditions. As a matter of safety, we will send anyone home that is not “layered” and prepared. Just ask the former Devo family that opted to clad their son in a t-shirt and official NFL “aerated” jersey. As much as I respected his favorite starting quarterback, our Devo was benched for not meeting VT winter dress code.
At home, you can assist by ensuring proper layering, and potentially applying protectant (such as Dermatone). I will deliver an early morning ‘fearful frostbite speech’ to ensure their compliance with Devo safety measures of a buddy system to continually check for exposed skin, and informing coaches of how they are feeling. We will keep moving and go in for added breaks when needed.
Equipment reacts differently in cold weather. Skis are more grabby, irrespective of wax selection. And goggles fogging on cold days? … there is one likely reason, and fogging can be a safety issue. Unless properly fitted and worn, neckies often act like chimneys, channeling warm air into goggles. There are means of remedying (e.g. lens protectants, or properly dressing to avoid the chimney effect). Also, once fogged, wiping the interior of the goggle should clearly be avoided.
Here is one of many pieces on the topic.
Yes, skiing is a cold weather sport, however, no insult taken if you and your Devo decide that a trip to VT is not warranted for this weekend. Feel free to snuggle with a good book or, maybe watch a Warren Miller ski movie under a warm blanket. Please, complete the weekly attendance form (below) either way.
* Ski Tuning Clinic
Tuesday, January 23rd, 7 pm via Zoom. I will send out a link to those who expressed interest in the tuning session – contact me if you did not reply, and have interest. Several parents requested an alternative date or for a recording, which we can discuss. One individual suggested holding the session in person over the weekend – a great opportunity for socialization – however, we can no longer wax in most buildings, making a physical session logistically difficult. For those new to tuning we will go over the basics … for those with some experience – please come with questions.
* Racer Ready
Last season we made active use of the NASTAR course on Saturday afternoons. This season the course has not been open because of snow conditions, and for most skiers, premature entry into gates brings about poor habits – time on snow is better spent focused free skiing. We’ll soon be making use of the NASTAR course as mountain conditions have markedly improved, and many of our Devos are now dialing in improved form. For our more senior Devos preparing for high school racing we’ll be offering some supplemental (a` la carte) Sunday sessions on Wardance. Dates are dependent on the mid-VT race schedule … please stay tuned for details.
* Weekly Attendance – Response Requested
Thanks to those of you who are diligently completing the brief Weekly Attendance Form … the info is important for planning purposes. Please complete this week’s survey (for Saturdays, 1/20/24 and 1/27/24) via the link shown below. Please submit the info before Friday at 5 pm.
Oh, and lastly, I’m pleased to report that Okemo’s open trail count is now near 110.
On to the top of the A/B (meet at 8.20 am for 8.30 am liftoff) !
Bill, ET, Nima, Brian, Goran, and Garrett ❄️

courtesy Nima and Goran
Bill Hauser
Climate. Cyber. Democracy.