Friday 1/17 – U10 and U12

Hi All,

Hope you are having a great week!  Friday training will be SL focused tomorrow.  Pete and Nick will be coaching the Friday crew and will meet them at the BOTTOM of the AB quads at 9 am.  They will set gate training environments on NASTAR.  U12s should have full armor including a chin bar and if U10s have chin bars they can wear them too (but don’t have to as there will be stubby options) for a little intro to tall gates.

They will ski until about 11:30/11:45 and then break for a short lunch and ski again until 1:30 pm.  Please have a plan for meeting back up with your athlete after this time.

Please let me know if you are receiving this and your athlete will NOT attend.  Otherwise, Pete and Nick will plan to see them in the AM.


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