U10/12 Year End Awards

Due to the abrupt end of this year’s ski season, awards were done via video. Please click HERE FOR U10 AWARDS and HERE FOR U12 AWARDS!

Congratulations to the following athletes for their achievements this season!


U10 Athlete of the Year: Chloe Blount

U10 Athlete of the Year: Oliver Rivas

U10 Most Improved: Lucy Robinson

U10 Most Improved: Matthew Burns

U10 Sportsmanship: Sienna and Maggie Buchichio

U10 Sportsmanship: Landon McClements

U10 Coaches’ Award: Mason Aframe

U10 Coaches’ Award: Catherine “Kate” Vincent


U12 Athlete of the Year: Emma Van Heyst

U12 Athlete of the Year: Ryan Visnic

U12 Most Improved: Piper Keane

U12 Most Improved: Sam Vincent

U12 Sportsmanship: Alexis Robinson

U12 Sportsmanship: Sach Edwards

U12 Coaches’ Award: Lily Evers

U12 Coaches’ Award: Cooper Buchichio

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