OMFT 2/1 – 2/2 and USASA SX races x3 @ Stratton held 1/31 – 2/2

OMFT parents and athletes,

This weekend training will be per usual at Okemo from 8:45am-1:15pm. OMFT athletes who compete in SX, will have all their USASA Southern Vermont races held at Stratton Friday-Sunday. Friday looks to have some snow in the forecast. Saturday and Sunday look a bit chilly with temps in the single digits. All in all, this is shaping up to be an excellent winter and let’s hope the trend continues into February! 

USASA SVS Ski Cross #1, #2, and #3 @ Stratton

OMFT athletes who are registered for Friday’s SX should meet coaches at registration and at 7:45am in the Sun Bowl Base Lodge on Friday as check in closes at 8:15am. Athletes who have not competed yet can purchase their bib through the team app and you will be picking it up at check-in. 

On Saturday and Sunday, athletes will also need to meet coaches at registration in the Sun Bowl Base Lodge at 7:45am, but Stratton is approximately 45 minutes and please allow some additional time for parking as it can be busy over the weekend. 

For the detailed event schedule and competitor lift ticket information, please refer to the USASA SVS Team App. I would also advise on a tune from the Totem Pole or Boot Pro which should include an edge tune and temperature appropriate hot wax to ensure speedy skis over the weekend.

If anyone has any questions on anything, please let me know. 

Billy Potter

Head Freeski Coach

Okemo Mountain School // OMFT

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